Wildlife Photographic Safari 2026


6 Guests
Wildlife Photographic Safari Focus – Game Drive & Hides; Wildlife & Birds
May 17-23, 2026*
$5250 USD* shared $5950 USD* single

Departs Durban, South Africa

*Optional Wildlife Photographic Safari Add-on itinerary available with separate costing and dates

Welcome to RocknRoars Wildlife Photographic Safari 2026! Here you will find every photographers dream location – from the best photographical set ups and opportunities, in some of the best locations, with a species list that will leave you satisfied. You will share activities between game drives and photographic hides. Zimanga Private Game Reserve has built world class hides tailored to the needs of the wildlife and bird photographer. Overnight sessions in the hides will provide you a peek into the nocturnal behaviour of animals that you would otherwise never experience. This trip length is perfect to accommodate those who wish to explore more of South Africa or neighbouring countries before or after this adventure.


✓ All accommodations including bonus night before departure for a free day in Durban

✓ All scheduled activities at Zimanga

✓ All meals and select beverages at game lodges

✓ All ground transportation


✓ International Flights & Domestic flights (Arrival to Durban & Departure from Bloemfontein if applicable)

✓ Gratuities to guides and service staff

✓ Insurance

✓ Items of a personal nature

✓ Meals and beverages outside of game lodges

Zimanga Private Game Reserve is a conservation-orientated activity-based destination and the ultimate destination for the African Wildlife photographic safari journey. The unique nature of this reserve makes it one to be revered as a leading African wildlife photography destination, striving to push the boundaries of a new wildlife experience. While at Zimanga you will alternate game drive activities with photographic hides.

The hides allow photographers a non-intrusive method of wildlife photography and although the subjects are free-roaming, and hence no sighting is guaranteed, the hides tip the balance heavily in favour of the photographer to get that amazing shot. Where possible Zimanga’s hides harness the power of the sun, with all the electricity demands for the hides met by solar installations.

At only 5 years of age, Zimanga is still a new reserve – where the restoration of land to its natural state from previously exposed farm land has been a successful passion project of the family who owns it. This reserve fills fast with photographers from around the world hoping to get the shot of a lifetime. Perhaps that shot will be through your lens.

Photographic Safari Bird Photography & Hides

Wildlife Photographic Safari Overnight Hides

Game Drive Vehicle Wildlife Photographic Safaris

Zimanga Main Lodge

Optional Itinerary Add-on

To photograph wild and free Bengal Tigers, and experience Cheetah on foot, check out Tiger Canyon add-on itinerary here!


Set up a Zoom call if you want to arrange a virtual chat about any details of this wildlife photographic safari.

Send an email to if you have a list of questions you would like answered…

For bookings, please make arrangements with Jen through email, message her on Whats App at 403-969-1777, or book the zoom using above link – but please reach out to confirm appointment!

Wildlife Photographic Safari 2026 Itinerary


For guests who arrive in Durban in advance to partake in the sites in Durban: Enjoy the tours available like a Zulu drive visit, a city tour, or whale watching. Take a stroll on the beach or indulge your appetite in the many flavours of Durban. Or simply get some rest and recover from jet lag. Accommodation will be provided the afternoon before departure so we can all meet and get to know each other prior to departing the next morning around 8am.


Depart in the morning for Zimanga Private Game Reserve from our accommodations at 8 am for 12pm checkin. Get settled into your room before enjoying a delicious lunch. We will meet to partake in your first afternoon activity. Dinner time is enjoyed after return from the evening game drive or hide session. Overnight hide sessions will have lunch provided in the hide.

DAY 2-6

Each day you begin with a 6 am activity. Breakfast is enjoyed after return to the lodge. Between drives you will have time to enjoy the pool, some rest n relaxation, or photography review. Lunch is served early afternoon. Afternoon activity is followed by dinner. Please see Q&A for activity details. Note that overnight hides begin on afternoon activity time and carry through until the end of morning activity the following day.


Final morning activity followed by breakfast at Zimanga. We will depart and head back to Durban. Guests will be dropped off at the airport or alternative arrangements may be accommodated should you choose to continue on in Durban and area.


For those who choose to add on to their trip a stay at Tiger Canyon, itinerary continues:

1 or 2 flights will be required to travel from Durban to Bloemfontein. Overnight accommodation will be required in either Durban, Johannesburg, or Bloemfontein based on flight availability.


A shuttle will take us to Tiger Canyon in time to begin an afternoon activity game drive. Dinner is served at the lodge after drive is over.

DAY 9 & 10

Head out for drive at sun rise to capture the golden light. Drives usually last approximately 3.5 hours but guides will be flexible based on sightings. There are no multi vehicles at sightings and no time limits. Breakfast is served after drive, with a lunch early afternoon. Walk around the property, sit by the pool, or enjoy some RnR on your deck overlooking the canyon until your afternoon drive followed by dinner.

Day 11 – Depart after morning drive and breakfast to return to Bloemfontein airport.

African Wildlife Photographic Safari 2026 Q&A

What are the activities at Zimanga Private Game Reserve?

At Zimanga your itinerary will comprise of 5 game drives in the safari vehicle and photographic hide visits. You will have one activity of each per day. There are 9 total hides. Our stay will include 1 Birdbath hide session with a choice between Mkhombe and Bhejane Hides; 1 Lagoon Hide Session; 1 Vulture Hide Session; 1 Umgodi and 1 Tamboti Overnight Hide session (activity dramatically influenced by rainfall). A recent addition to activities is the custom-built Zimanga Photo Boat.  This craft is always available for guests to use and is based at its permanent mooring on the large Hlambanyathi dam.  No bookings are required for the boat, so please inform your ranger during your visit if you would like to spend some time on the water and our rangers will keep their eyes peeled for activity around the main lake.

What is an overnight hide?

Overnight hide sessions are 15-18 hours long. These hides are well equipped with bunk beds, toilet facilities, kitchen facilities and are air conditioned (as are all the underground hides). Illuminating floodlights provide true to life colours while inferred beam network keeps a watch for approaching animals to alert occupants of the approaching activity.

What do I need to wear on safari?

It is strongly advised that guests wear black clothing in the hides. Furthermore, please pack in extra socks, as neither shoes nor barefoot walking are permitted in the hides. Back gloves may also help remove any chance of reflection glare in your images. On game drive vehicle wearing natural colour clothing is advised so as to not stand out in the environment. Closed shoes – no flips flops. Avoid perfume. Hat and sunscreen is advised for the sunny parts of the day. Dress in layers as temperatures change with the sun going down.

What came gear and accessories do I need?

No beanbags are available at the Zimanga lodge, but rice is supplied to fill up each guest’s personal bean bag. Tripods and Gimbals are already installed at the hides for your optional use. Drones are not allowed. A range of focal lengths may be utilized on this trip. Anything from a 400mm-600mm length is quite suitable for safari on the long end. However, for larger mammals, bird hide photography, and landscape, wider angles and the 24-70mm or 70-200mm range are quite versatile.

What medical information do I need to know?

According to the latest National Department of Health guidelines and maps, Zimanga Private Game Reserve is not located in a malaria area, although the low risk malaria area starts from the Lebombo Mountains visible in the distance. The recommendation is that high risk visitors (elderly guests, pregnant women etc) need to take anti-malarial precautions. We do, however, always suggest that guests discuss this with their own doctor and follow their own medical practitioner’s advice.

African tick bite fever is present on Zimanga. It can be contracted after coming in contact with infected ticks found on wild animals. It is inconvenient but not life threatening. Guests should follow the advice and guidelines provided to minimize the risk of tick bites.

Zimanga does have comprehensive medical evacuation insurance and a doctor’s advice is available 24 hours a day on their Crisis Call Centre. This in no way replaces your normal travel insurance and while emergency evacuation tothe nearest hospital is guaranteed should you suffer either severe illness or injury, this does not cover the cost of treatment once in hospital. It is essential that guests inform the lodge of any notable medical conditions before arrival as there are certain medical exclusions that require pre-approval.

No vaccinations are required for entry in South Africa but your practitioner may have recommendations you may choose to consider. Our journey will take us through KwaZulu-Natal province.

What amenities will we have access to?

Zimanga Lodge offers a complimentary laundry service available. Wifi is available although I recommend keeping your connection to the outside world limited to check ins. The more disconnected you are with technology, the more reconnected you will become with nature.


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